Mine Fan Brick Factory Fan
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Mine Fan Brick Factory Fan

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The 4-73 type boiler ventilation and induced draft fan is mainly suitable for the ventilation and induced draft fan system of 2~670t/h steam boilers in thermal power plants. In the absence of other special requirements, 4-73 can also be used for mine ventilation and general ventilation.

The medium conveyed by the ventilator is air, and the maximum temperature shall not exceed 80°C; the medium conveyed by the induced draft fan is flue gas, and the maximum temperature shall not exceed 250°C.

Before the induced draft fan, a dust removal device must be installed to minimize the dust content of the flue gas entering the fan. According to the use of general power plants, the efficiency of the equipped dust collector should not be lower than 85%.

Type of fan

1. Both the ventilator and the induced draft fan are made of single suction, each with 13 machine numbers from №8 to 29.5.

2. When viewed from one end of the motor, the impeller rotates clockwise, which is called a right-handed fan, which is represented by “right”; otherwise, it is a left-handed fan, which is represented by “left”.

3. The position of the air outlet of the fan is represented by the angle of the air outlet of the casing.

4. The transmission mode of the fans is D type, all of which are connected by elastic couplings.


The fan is mainly composed of impeller, casing, air inlet, regulating door and transmission part:

1. Impeller: 12 oblique-cut blades of backward tilted wings are welded between the cone-shaped front disc and the flat rear disc. Due to the adoption of

Wing-shaped blades ensure high efficiency, low noise and high strength of the fan. The impeller has undergone static and dynamic balance correction and overspeed operation experiments.

Therefore, the operation is stable and reliable. The impellers of the ventilation fan and the induced draft fan with the same machine number have the same structure, but the materials are different.

A3, choose 16Mn for induced draft fan.

  1. Chassis: It is welded into a volute with ordinary steel plates. The casing of the single-suction fan is made into three different forms (the casings of №8~12 are made of an integral structure and cannot be disassembled, the casings of №14~16 are made of two openings, and the casings of N18~29.5 are made of three openings). For the induced draft fan, the volute plate is properly thickened to prevent wear and tear.

3. Air inlet: The convergent and streamlined air inlet is made into an integral structure and fixed on the fan inlet side with bolts.

4. Adjusting door: A device used to adjust the flow, installed axially before the air inlet. The adjustment range is from 0° (full open) to

90°(fully closed). The handle position of the adjustment door: it is on the right side when viewed from the direction of the air inlet. For a right-handed fan, push the handle from bottom to top to fully open. For a left-handed fan, push the handle from top to bottom. Close to fully open direction.

5. Transmission: The main shaft of the transmission part is made of high-quality steel, and the fan adopts rolling bearings. There are two types of bearing housings: №8~16 use integral cylindrical bearing housings; №18~29.5 use two independent pillow bearing housings. The bearing housing is equipped with a thermometer and an oil level indicator (only induced draft fan). The lubricating oil is No. 30 mechanical oil, and the amount of oil added is in accordance with the requirements of the oil level mark.

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